Who Is NBG?

General Business Consulting – focus on marketing/sales and business growth, that specializes in start-ups and small businesses under 10M in revenue.

We offer Business Consulting Services:

Need a solid Business and/or Marketing Plan?  Does your company need to engage some strategic planning?  Do you need to review your revenue growth options to decide between Organic or Inorganic Growth?  If you already have a plan, do you need help executing on some of the strategies?  We’re here to help.  Learn more about our business consulting.

We can offer mid to small businesses their marketing / advertising needs:

Providing the ability to present a professional image on the Internet at an affordable cost. We offer over 30 years experience in US business marketing and Internet/Software development, but we use less expensive off-shore resources when appropriate to keep our client’s costs down.  Learn more about our marketing services.

Providing Technical Services for your company:

NBG leadership has been in the computer/software/Internet industry since the early 1980s. We have all the resources you need to select technical platforms, software systems, and our team can manage any customization or program development you might need.  More importantly, we can help you make the right business management decisions on whether or not you need to invest in the technology efforts. Learn more about our technical services.

The Best Of Three Worlds!

What does this mean?  We offer business management guidance, the marketing/internet services you need and the supporting technical services all from one experienced source!  To grow your business properly, you need ALL THREE of these areas of expertise!  Do you have this in-house?  Do you know enough about all your options to grow your business revenue yourself so you can make all the right decisions?

Let us help you from the 10,000 foot view, all the way down to the single action item execution!

We specialized in new business start-ups/ventures that leverage the Internet

–  Face to Face meetings are possible in PA, NJ, NYC and Florida, video conference or telephone for other locations.