Executive & Team Virtual Support

What Is This Service?

Your company can engage David Lancaster and his team to provide remote support and consulting services, as needed, on the following topics/areas:

Marketing Planning Marketing Material Design Sales Tools/Process Evaluation
Advertising Placement/Planning Web Trouble Shooting Writing/Editing
Contract Review Presentation Design Graphic Design
Staff Analysis Virtual Meeting Mgmt. Programming
Accounting Controls Brainstorming Meeting Mgmt. Research/Data Building
Data Planning Direct Mail Execution Spreadsheet Design
Reporting/Measurement Email Execution Logo/Branding Planning
Operational Guidelines Trade Show/Seminar Planning Opportunity Planning
Business Development Marketing Messaging and more…

How Does It Work?

NBG will set-up an online project management system for your company and key staffers to use.  This system will allow you to create projects and tasks, upload files, and review progress on said tasks.   It is a perfect tool to manage remote assistance and work by the NBG team.

All you have to do is login to the ProjectCenter and enter a new task.  When you enter a new task you assign it to Dave Lancaster, who in turn will review it and assign it to the appropriate staffer (one that can do the task properly at the lowest billable rate).  When the task is updated with a question, file upload, or simply marked as complete, you will receive an email notification.

When you receive an email from the ProjectCenter, you do not need to login to the site, you can merely reply to the email and it will update the task and make any notifications as needed.

Quick and Easy!

What Does It Cost?

Your company will have a set-up initial fee and a pre-payment retainer, which must be paid with a valid credit card to be held on file. The pre-payment retainer is a pre-payment on billable hours used based upon your company’s billable rate by staff category.  At the end of each month, you will receive a report on hours used to complete tasks.  You will have three business days to review the report before any charges are made.

When your pre-paid retainer reaches its threshold level, you will automatically be charged for the agreed upon re-charge fee, which will flush out against any hours with payment still due, with the balance becoming a pre-payment on your next month’s billable hours.

We offer various plans based upon the expected amount of use. Please contact us for more details.