We’re often asked to assume an existing account, either when a customer is leaving another service or deciding to not continue doing the Adwords Management in-house.

Traditionally, we can save you money on your in-house performance, as well as making the results more effective.

Account Type Initial Session*

(telephone mtg)

Assumption Fee Monthly Mgmt Fee
Local $85 $395 $89 + 5% of spend
Regional $85 $695 $199 + 5% of spend
National $85 $1,295 $299 + 5% of spend

* If in the Philadelphia Market, can make initial session an on-site meeting by adding $125 to fee.

Would you like more information or a call? Please use the form below:

Adwords Assumption

Taking Over An Existing Adwords Account

Adwords Assumption

  • If you would like a call, please list 3 future dates & times that would be convenient for us to call you and we'll do our best to confirm one of these times.
  • Thank you for helping us fight SPAM