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The Place To Start Is With Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.


Facebook can also be used from both a personal and business perspective.
First, create your personal account, set your privacy settings and start ‘friending’ family, friends, business associates and co-workers. You may find it of interest to see who already has a Facebook account.

Next step, create a Facebook page for your business.  This creates an account that can collect “fans” and is intended for public viewing.   We can create and customize your Facebook page as either a one-time set-up service, or both the one-time set-up service with on-going management.


Starting with your personal LinkedIn page, simply complete a little resume type information and find some people you work with to link to.  Encourage your associates and employees to each set up a LinkedIn page as well.

Next, set up a LinkedIn company page for your business.   Company profiles can only be created by current employees with a LinkedIn account and the information is public.  We can set-up your Company profile page for you, and leave you with instructions to continue moving forward.


Twitter is simple and can be an extremely interactive social media environment. Then why is “I just don’t get Twitter” the most frequent phrase heard? People sign up, don’t customize their profile, send a couple of tweets and can’t figure out what the fuss is about.

If this is what you’re going to do… then just don’t bother.

Instead, sign up, customize your profile, add something interesting about you business, then start following other people, business contacts, politicians, industry experts, authors, etc. When people follow you – follow back.  Remark on interesting tweets and interact. The more you do, the more you will get out of Twitter.


If you have company or product videos, then you certainly should post them to a company YouTube account and place them on your website.  Videos are powerful tools for websites, and if you do not have any videos made, you really should consider doing so.  We can assist you in this process if you have some questions.

Quality, Is The Key

The goal of social media is to create an environment where you can interact with real people, learn from them, listen to them and when the privilege has been earned, provide them with information about your business. Unless you plan on hiring an army to keep up with your social media efforts, be selective on the sites you select.

NOT ALL BUSINESSES SHOULD USE THESE FOUR SITES AS MARKETING TOOLS… start your process by getting our opinion. We will tell you if we feel it will NOT work for you.

Just remember the golden rules of social media, it is better to listen than jump in and shout, especially when you are a newbie; be genuine and honest. Don’t simply promote your product or service – interact.

Sign-up & Have Us Manage Your Social Media Accounts:

There are two steps to get going with your social media accounts.

1) The Account Set-up… if you already have your Facebook, YouTube, Twitter Accounts, then you don’t need us to set this up for you (unless you need it to be customized). 

2) The Next Step Is To Sign-up For The Monthly Mgmt Service:

We offer two on-going services, FaceBook Only, and FaceBook Plus Others.  This service includes the initial telephone consultation regarding the use, purpose and goals of your Social Media accounts.