Business Development & Strategy Planning

Two Day Meeting Agenda


  • A brief review of your products and services?
  • What is your short and long-term business plan?
  • What is your short and long-term marketing plan?
  • What is your current financial position?
  • What are your current financial and non-capital resources?
  • What is your current organizational structure?
  • What has your organizational structure looked like over the life of the company?
  • What does your current marketing activity look like?
  • What sales and marketing activities have taken place over the past 2 years.
  • What is your current distribution model?
  • What activities were required to achieve your current sales levels?
  • What have sales looked like over the life of the company?
  • Is there a direct relationship between sales and marketing for your products?
  • What other factors affects your sales?
  • What is your sales cycle? (time from first contact to close of sale)
  • Who is your target customers?
  • Who is your primary competition?
  • What do they do better than you? Why?
  • What do you do better than them? Why?
  • How is your product positioned?
    • Market niche? Quality?  Performance?  Features?  Support?  Price?  Packaging?
  • Where do you want to be in the future?
  • What are your market demographics, as you know them?
    • Size? Distribution? Market Segments?
  • What is your current market share? (that which you own)
  • A review of your past and present marketing materials.

Day Two will focus on where you want to go, and how you will get there. We will review and critically analyze the material discussed on day one, and develop plans for your company’s future. Subjects may include, but will not be limited to the following:


A careful analysis of the information discussed on day one.

The development of cause and effect relationships between the organizational structure of the company, its marketing activities, its distribution channel development, and sales.

  • A review of your goals and objectives for the next one, two and three years.
  • A review of your business plan for the next one to three years. If you do not have a business plan, we will devote time to the development of a preliminary one-year plan.
  • A review of your short and long-term marketing plans (if available), or to be outlined in meeting.
  • The development of a new one-year baseline marketing outline, or move information into the development of Marketing Plan.
  • The identification and allocation of new and existing resources required to fulfill the marketing outline.
  • The development of a marketing budget.
  • Brainstorming new and innovative ways for company to continue successfully.
  • An in-depth discussion of what works and what doesn’t in the world of technical software marketing, sales, and distribution.